Saturday, February 21, 2009

Long time, no post!

Whoa!! I have been MIA for a very, very long time! Life has been busy. I have many pictures to post so I am going to try to commit to getting something on here once a week. Here is what I have for today.

First, check out Tess is doing some blog candy. She is so creative and does awesome work! I hope you check her out.

Second, this is a card I made for Veteran's Day back in November. We celebrate Veteran's Day with a special program and a dinner after church. Every Veteran in my church received a personalized card. I am so appreciative that my mom and our friend Virginia helped assemble the cards.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend! I have had great Saturday {a little Zumba, a little Nertz - a card game my family LOVES, some scrapbooking and visiting with my sister and her boyfriend}. Let's hope we don't get the snow that is predicted, I could use more sunshine, even if is cold!

See you next weekend with a new post. Have a great week!

aka, queenscrapalot

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